We have lift-off!
I'm so grateful to the many people who have helped in the production of this book. It hasn't been easy to write - one reviewer calls it "unflinchingly honest" - but that doesn't make it difficult to read (I'm told).
But don't just take my word for it.
""This is a very special book that occupies a category all of its own," says one reader. "It’s a chronic pain-thriller-page-turner" says another.
Other comments include this, from the Vice-Chair of The Patient Voice Committee of The British Pain Society, Louise Trewern: "I would urge all health care professionals working in the field of pain to read this book if only to see how it feels from the patient’s perspective." Louise goes on to call it "A thoroughly fabulous book that I could not put down!"
Chronic pain is both a huge problem and something of a medical mystery. If you want to know more about it, want to find out how amputees can sometimes still feel pain from amputated limbs, or why certain pain find pain pleasurable, or how you can learn to overcome chronic pain without relying on medication, then this might well be the book for you.
It's available to buy wherever you normally buy books, as well as online via Amazon. Please do take a look, tell your friends, spread the word. Ask for it in bookshops (even if you don't intend to buy); request it at the library (even if you don't intend to borrow it); every little helps... and if it helps this book get into the hands of those who might benefit, that'll be a good thing.
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